Month: February 2024

Age is not just a number

The impact of an increased lifespan on your retirement finances

Living to the ripe old age of 100 could require an additional £260,000 in pension wealth to ensure a comfortable retirement, compared to someone living until the current average life expectancy, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)[1].

Managing your finances as a couple

Discussing finances may feel uncomfortable, but it is crucial to maintain a healthy relationship

Transparency is the foundation of any strong relationship, which holds true regarding financial matters. It is easy to fall into the trap of assuming that you and your partner have similar financial habits and attitudes.

Planning for an early retirement

Living life to the fullest and accomplishing long-held dreams

Early retirement typically signifies reaching financial autonomy before the statutory pension age, usually in the mid-60s. In the United Kingdom, retirees can begin drawing their State Pension at age 66. However, this retirement benchmark is set to increase to age 67 by 6 April 2028.

Wealth accumulation

Valuable insights that can impact an investment strategy

With the ever-evolving landscape of investment, it’s not hard to see why it might appear daunting. The investment world is equivalent to a living, breathing entity constantly evolving and changing. It’s a landscape that never remains static, mirroring the dynamic nature of global economies and financial markets.

What will your legacy look like?

Effective Inheritance Tax planning is a careful balancing act

Once a concern only for the very affluent, Inheritance Tax (IHT) is now an issue for many ordinary families, who may find themselves handing over an unprecedented portion of their estates to the taxman. This shift results from years of house price growth, inflation and stagnant tax thresholds. The Office for Budget Responsibility anticipates that IHT will bring in £7.2 billion in the fiscal year 2023/24[1].