Month: July 2019

What’s your magic number?

Your five-year plan to a comfortable retirement

Retiring is a huge life event. And the very concept of retirement is changing with phased retirement becoming more common. The way we access our pension is now a lot more flexible, and it’s no secret that in the UK we’re living longer than ever before which means we need to make the right choices.

Smart investments

Should I invest into a pension or an ISA?

Investors looking for tax-efficient ways to build a nest egg for retirement often look to both Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) and pensions. Tax-efficiency is a key consideration when investing because it can make a considerable difference to your wealth and quality of life.

Goldilocks economy

How to prepare your portfolio for inflation

Very low or very high inflation is damaging to the economy. The aim is usually to try and keep the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) at 2% in order to maintain a ‘Goldilocks Economy’ – not too hot, not too cold.

Choppy waters, not full-on gale

Wait for the bad weather to pass and stay the course

Volatility fluctuates based on where we are in the economic cycle, but it is a normal feature of markets that investors should expect. When stock markets start correcting, daily injections of bad news may sound as though it will never end. This can spark anxiety, fuel uncertainty and trigger radical decisions in even the most seasoned investors.