Month: November 2021

Visualising your future

Living your life of dreams and passing on your wealth successfully

Many of those who seek to change their lives and move forward find they encounter roadblocks. These roadblocks, which come in the form of unnecessary fears and worries about what might happen next, can stop us from reaching our potential and achieving happiness.

‘What if’ scenarios

Feel more financially secure and independent

Anything is possible when you manage your money the right way. But it’s important to have realistic expectations of what your financial resources can achieve to enable you to achieve your financial and lifestyle goals, without putting your future plans at risk.

Help your wealth flourish

Influence how your investments are managed in future

You need to consider what you really want from your investments. Knowing yourself, your needs and financial and lifestyle goals, and your appetite for risk is a good start. Bumpy rides in the stock market are nothing new, but they can be hard for investors to deal with.

What matters to you?

Spreading risk between different kinds of investments

A successful personal lifestyle financial plan has no value unless it is properly implemented through an appropriate investment strategy. If you’ve got a sufficient amount of money in your cash savings account – enough to cover you for at least six months – and you want to see your money grow over the long term, then you should consider investing some of it.