Month: August 2018

Generation still taxed

Numbers nearly double in the last two decades

With so much choice on offer, and with frequent rule changes and distinct tax benefits to consider, finding the right vehicle for your retirement planning is essential.

Life insurance

Peace of mind knowing that your family is protected

It’s understandable that we would rather not think of the time when we’re no longer around. But it’s important to protect the things that really matter – like our loved ones, home and lifestyle – in case the unexpected happens.

Different types of life insurance

When it comes to your life insurance, you’ve got options

‘Single life’ policies cover just one person. A ‘joint life’ policy covers two people, and when one person on the policy dies, the money is paid out and the policy ends. You will need to decide whether the joint policy pays out on first or second death, as this will determine when the policy ends.

Term life insurance

Protecting your family’s finances by covering living expenses or replacing lost income

With term life insurance, you choose the amount you want to be insured for and the period for which you want cover. This is the most basic type of life insurance. If you die within the term, the policy pays out to your beneficiaries. If you don’t die during the term, the policy doesn’t pay out, and the premiums you’ve paid are not returned to you.

Whole-of-life insurance

A guaranteed tax-free payment whenever you die

A whole-of-life insurance policy is designed to give you a specified amount of cover for the whole of your life and pays out when you die, whenever that is. Because it’s guaranteed that you’ll die at some point (and therefore that the policy will have to pay out), these policies are more expensive than term insurance policies, which only pay out if you die within a certain time frame.