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Diversification, diversification, diversification

Portfolio building requires different characteristics to evaluate

There are many ways to invest and different types of investments. But when looking to build an appropriate diversified portfolio, investors have a number of different characteristics to evaluate. For example, is the investment designed to provide growth or income? Is it domestic or international? Does it have a maturity? Another consideration is whether the investment is actively or passively managed.

Art of bond investing

Portfolio balancing, negating stock market volatility and lowering risk

Bonds have historically been an alternative way to balance a portfolio and negate stock market volatility, and they are treated as lower risk. The art of investing is all about mixing assets to build a portfolio aligned to your investment outlook and attitude to risk, with shares and bonds as primary components. For investors, bonds can provide a stream of returns.

Pension freedoms

Running out of money remains the biggest retirement fear for over-55s

On 6 April 2015, the Government introduced ‘pension freedoms’, and with it major changes to people’s private pension provision. Once you reach the age of 55 years, you now have much more freedom to access your pension savings or pension pot and to decide what to do with this money

Cultivating the art of patience

Sticking with a long-term commitment to your investments

If you want to give your investments the best chance of earning a return, then it’s a good idea to cultivate the art of patience. The best returns tend to come from sticking with a long-term commitment to your investments.

Money’s too tight to mention

Financial impact on annual retirement income after divorce

First comes marriage, then for some couples comes divorce. But a stable marriage is one of the best paths to building and maintaining wealth. Divorce, on the other hand, is expensive. Possessions, money, financial assets and debt acquired during (and sometimes before) marriage are divided between former spouses. Putting a price tag on a divorce is tricky.