Category: Uncategorised

How much do I need to save to retire?

Questions to help you live your best life in later life

The question, ‘Have I saved enough to retire?’ is a difficult one. It requires a lot of information about you, your family, your income needs in retirement, and an understanding of the various financial vehicles available for saving and investing before it can be answered definitively.

Grandparents, grandchildren and money

Sharing your wealth during your lifetime can make a big difference

With all of us leading longer lives, you might be considering how you can help your family when it matters most. Sharing your wealth during your lifetime can make a big difference and bring you a lot of joy, particularly when helping younger generations who are dealing with rising house prices and university fees.

Retirement freedoms

Ensure your future income will allow you to enjoy the lifestyle you want 

Preparing for retirement is like getting ready for a journey, it never goes quite as planned. But the better the plan, the better the outcome. When things go wrong, you want to have the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. You never know what retirement will be like until you get there.

Protecting renters affected by coronavirus

No renter in either social or private accommodation will be forced out of their home 

More than a fifth of UK households live in privately rented accommodation. The Government has introduced measures to protect renters affected by coronavirus (COVID-19). This radical package of measures protects renters and landlords affected by coronavirus – and with these in force, no renter in either social or private accommodation will be forced out of their home.

Protecting your identity

Common ways fraudsters can steal your personal information

Identity theft is frighteningly widespread. No one can prevent all identity theft, and cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated in their attempts to steal your identity. Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information and uses it to commit fraud or other crimes in your name.