Category: Divorce

Pension poverty after divorce

Ensuring an equal division of all the assets within the matrimonial pot

The breakdown of a marriage is often referred to one of the most traumatic and stressful events anyone can go through. Divorce can also be a costly experience, often including legal fees, a new home, a new car and new childcare costs. So, it’s perhaps predictable that so many need to rely on savings or credit cards for support during this time.

Divorcees risk losing out on pensions

Dividing this asset is of vital importance to avoid pension poverty

Divorce is an emotional and stressful period for those who have to go through it. However, it’s important that people think of these valuable assets when considering how they split their money.

For richer, for poorer

Pension and asset advice should be part of the divorce process

Divorce – it’s one of the most difficult subjects to talk about. The emotional upheaval of divorce can be difficult to deal with, but so too can the financial implications. When relationships come to an end, there are so many things to consider. Children, home and support are naturally the first things you focus on.

Relationship breakdowns

Why sorting out your pension may not be the biggest priority

What is likely to be a divorcing couple’s most valuable asset? The family home will spring to most people’s minds first. But the value of a pension could well be the biggest single asset in the relationship.