Month: September 2021

Coping with life-changing events

Plan for tomorrow, live for today

Change is the only constant in life. It inevitably involves twists and turns, with some that are expected while others may be entirely unplanned. When this happens, it’s important to feel secure with the knowledge that you have the right contingency plan in place.

Time for pensions to contribute towards building a better world

New landmark report from the United Nations on the state of climate science

As we have been witnessing in recent years and months, climate changes are occurring in every region and globally. A new landmark report from the United Nations on the state of climate science has highlighted modern society’s continued dependence on fossil fuels, which is warming the world at a pace that is unprecedented in the past 2,000 years. Its effects are already apparent as record droughts, wildfires and floods devastate communities worldwide.

How has COVID-19 affected retirement plans?

Attitudes and aspirations of this year’s retirees

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted on every aspect of our lives, affecting individuals’ financial situation and, for many, their plans for retirement. If you are approaching retirement in the next 12 months, your plans should be under continuous review.

Gender pension gap

British women impacted at every stage of career

The staggering impact of the gender pension gap has been revealed in research which shows that women have lower pension pot sizes in every age bracket, with the situation significantly deteriorating as they approach retirement[1].

Advice matters

Intergenerational planning and wealth transfer between advised families

Following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak, UK adults admit they need financial advice for their current situation[1]. A report, which looked at intergenerational planning and wealth transfer between advised families amid the financial volatility and insecurity of the pandemic, found that more than half (53%) of UK adults surveyed say they have been prompted to seek advice from a financial adviser.