Month: October 2020

Planning for succession

How you will ‘slice up your wealth pie?’ 

There is no easy way to say it – anticipating one’s death is an uncomfortable topic. Yet it is often worth pushing past the initial discomfort to pursue the potential rewards of effective wealth transfer planning. There are three places your assets can go at your death: to your family and friends, to charity or to the government in the form of taxes.

State Pension age rises

How could the change impact on your retirement plans?

For the first time in over a decade, the point at which people can claim a State Pension (the ‘State Pension Age’) is simple. If you have reached your 66th birthday, you can claim it. Otherwise you cannot.

Happiness is freedom

With greater freedom comes greater responsibility

‘The secret to happiness is freedom’ wrote the ancient Greek historian Thucydides. And with the introduction of the pension freedom rules, those aged over 55 now have far greater freedom of choice over how they use their pension pot to fund their retirement years.

Millennials look to build long-term wealth

Giving up on cash altogether, disillusioned by today’s dismal savings rates

The number of people in their 20s and early 30s choosing to invest in a Stocks & Shares Individual Savings Account (ISA) prior to the coronavirus pandemic outbreak increased according to the latest HM Revenue & Customs annual ISA data[1].